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Re-imagining the Electronic Journal PDF Print E-mail
Poster Sessions
Written by Kuniko Vroman   
Apr 23, 2006 at 10:33 PM

Steve Anderson, Tara McPherson, Craig Dietrich

electronic journal, digital publication, new media, scholarship, research, academic

This poster presentation will demonstrate several aspects of the new electronic publication Vectors Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular, together with its conception, mandates, infrastructure and funding, as well as its attempts at community building, and innovative collaborative design and interface development process. It is designed to spark discussion about the future of electronic publishing and its potential impact across a broad spectrum of academic output.


Re-imagining the Electronic Journal: Vectors and New Modes of Digital Scholarship

This poster presentation is designed to spark discussion about the future of electronic publishing and its potential impact across a broad spectrum of academic output. While several journals have shifted to electronic formats in the past decade, very few have moved beyond the 'text with pictures' style of traditional print publishing. Demonstrating the recently launched electronic publication, Vectors: Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular, this poster presentation will show how scholarship about technology and culture might also utilize new technological forms of authorship to produce different modes of academic work that are accessible to new audiences. Participants at ISEA are well versed in the aesthetics and impact of both older and newer media technologies and languages. They thus have much to offer an international scholarly community in terms of thinking through precisely how emergent digital forms might transform aspects of scholarly production. This poster presentation aims to foster such conversations while demonstrating and debating the merits one new approach to electronic publishing.

Vectors is a recently launched, international electronic journal dedicated to expanding the potentials of academic publication via emergent and transitional media. Vectors facilitates new modes of research, artistic creation and cultural investigation that analyze and redirect the role of technology in an information-driven society. Vectors brings together visionary thinkers with cutting-edge designers and media artists to propose a thorough rethinking of the dynamic relationship of form to content, focusing on the ways technology shapes, transforms or reconfigures social and cultural relations. While not a journal solely about new media, Vectors mobilizes emerging technologies for the productive convergence of new ideas, forms and audiences in a global context. We are particularly interested in work that re-imagines the role of the user and seeks to reach broader publics while creatively exploring the value of collaboration and interactivity.

This poster presentation will explore several aspects of Vectors: its conception, its mandates, its infrastructure and funding, its attempts at community building, and its innovative collaborative design and interface development process. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore the first three issues of Vectors online and to ask questions of at least one member of the journal's editorial or design staff at any given time, perhaps with an eye to launching their own publication efforts. The poster will also strive to articulate the special role media scholars and technologists might play in imagining next generation academic publishing.

Vectors Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular

Last Updated ( Aug 07, 2006 at 01:48 AM )
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