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Poster Sessions
Apr 23, 2006 at 10:49 PM

Casey Reas, Ben Fry


Over the last five years, has grown from a small software initiative to an international community. The software is used by thousands of students, artists, designers, architects, researchers, and hobbyists for learning, prototyping, and production. It is created to teach fundamentals of computer programming within a visual context and to serve as a software sketchbook and professional production tool. Processing is developed by artists and designers as an alternative to proprietary software tools in the same domain. The related projects Mobile Processing, Wiring, and Arduino extend the ideas behind Processing to the contexts of developing software for mobile phones and for interfacing to the world through controlling sensors and motors. These tools are used around the world for teaching in universities, art schools, and arts organizations. Each of these environments will be discussed in relation to education, prototyping, and production.


Over the last five years, has grown from a small software initiative to an international community. The software is used by thousands of students, artists, designers, architects, researchers, and hobbyists for learning, prototyping, and production. It is created to teach fundamentals of computer programming within a visual context and to serve as a software sketchbook and professional production tool. Processing is developed by artists and designers as an alternative to proprietary software tools in the same domain. The related projects Mobile Processing, Wiring, and Arduino extend the ideas behind Processing to the contexts of developing software for mobile phones and for interfacing to the world through controlling sensors and motors. These tools are used around the world for teaching in universities, art schools, and arts organizations. Each of these environments will be discussed in relation to education, prototyping, and production.

Mobile Processing allows software written using the Processing programming language and development environment to run on Java Powered mobile devices.

Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple i/o board and a development environment that implements the Processing/Wiring language. Arduino can be used to develop stand-alone interactive objects or can be connected to software on your computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, MaxMSP).

Wiring is a programming environment and electronics i/o board for exploring the electronic arts, tangible media, teaching and learning computer programming and prototyping with electronics. It illustrates the concept of programming with electronics and the physical realm of hardware control which are necessary to explore physical interaction design and tangible media aspects.


Wiring & Arduino

Mobile Processing

Last Updated ( Aug 07, 2006 at 02:02 AM )
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