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ZeroOne San Jose / ISEA2006 ISEA2006 symposium

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[Paper Abstracts]




ISEA2006 Online Forum April 24 - May 29 2006  

Re:online - 2006/05/04 09:36 Hi Oron,

I have some reflections on your abstract, but first let me shortly introduce myself. I am a visual artist with a background in biology (ecology and developmental biology). I create installations with living organisms, quite often algae and other forms of "simple" plant life. Basically, a lot of the pieces I create are systems with intense lighting, audio input, pumps and water spraying nozzles to create conditions within an art context where organism can take over (the space, the expectations of the artist and/or public, etc.) It’s not all that I do, but I mention this approach because it's pretty close to your work.

I quote from your abstract “The extend body can be seen as an amalgamation of the human extended phenotype with tissue life.” That is quite an fascinating point of view. I have to say I agree with this, but maybe not completely. Indeed, if you were to give out tissue to be cultured in labs all over the world, these ever expanding tissues could be conceived as phenotypes (with the same genotype) – another version of “you”. But, then again, how do you look at the notion of “emergence” (in a philosophical sense). Do you consider a tissue as having a sort of unity (beyond the formal), something that emerges beyond the mere mathematical sum of individual cells? What makes us more than a mere coagulation of different tissues? What is your stance on this? Or do you have a rather scientific view on the world, and if so, how do you reconcile this with art making?

Second quote: “The need of re-examining current taxonomies and hierarchical perceptions of life.” Hmm, interesting. Why do you believe there’s a need for such re-examination? You don’t seem to believe in hierarchical structures in biology. Is that so?

Most curious for your reaction.

Cheers, Angelo
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      Topics Author Date
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Oron Catts 2006/05/01 17:38
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thread linkthread link Re:online
Angelo Vermeulen 2006/05/04 09:36
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thread linkthread linkthread link who owns the extended body?
Inke Arns 2006/05/07 05:43
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thread linkthread linkthread linkthread link Unity or entities
Angelo Vermeulen 2006/05/07 08:34
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thread linkthread linkthread linkthread linkthread link Re:Unity or entities
Inke Arns 2006/05/07 13:12
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thread linkthread linkthread linkthread link Re:who owns the extended body?
Jon Ippolito 2006/05/09 09:19