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[Paper Abstracts]




ISEA2006 Online Forum April 24 - May 29 2006  

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Interactive City Welcome - 2006/04/24 16:09 Welcome everyone to the Interactive City forum, the first of the ISEA2006 online forums. We will be posting here for a week between April 24 to 30, and I am looking forward to the beginnings of an animated conversation that we can extend in San Jose during the events in August and beyond.

I would especially like to welcome the artist participants for the Interactive City forum, Mirjam Struppek, Tapio Mäkelä, Alison Sant, and Franck Ancel, whose works represent a broad and amazingly creative engagement with issues surrounding the formation of the contemporary city and technology. I strongly encourage visitors to read their abstracts posted at and take the opportunity to join with them in an open and ranging conversation about their work and broader positions on the interactive city.

The Interactive City theme comes from a desire to read the city anew, “Something that can respond to our dreams. Something that will transform with us, not just perform change on us, like an operation.” And therein lies the potential for the creation not only of a new environment, but a new context. There have been many inspired treatises and imaginings of the city, from Le Corbusier’s Radiant City awash with the energy of new machines; meticulously rational implying an efficiency based in the technotopian dreams of the new machine age, to Jane Jacobs organic city, organized through the millions of small scale everyday interactions of people to people; the expression of the socio-organic body. Both these extremes situate the city as the product of forces, industrial and social, but also as something beyond our immediate reach.

Todays city, and the Interactive City theme imagines a different relationship to the city as an interface, “not merely a palimpsest of our desires but an active participant in their formation” and encourages us to locate, express, explore and celebrate our public and personal selves in that relationship. Tapio Mäkelä’s work explores this social nexus, while Mirjam Struppek’s develops these themes through the material/immaterial moment of the public interface. For me, this is the key difference between previous models of the city, where analogies to vehicles and bodies describe the city as a product of events and machines, now the city is an active participant in the creation of events “that matter”. We are thinking beyond descriptive formal models of the city to the potential of an engaged, collaborative and participatory moment.

While the intensive gaze frames the city in one way, extensively the context has changed also. Cities exist within flows of trans-regional and international relations as Manuel Castells amongst others, have so eloquently described. The technologies that frame our lives in the city, are not limited by traditional spatial boundaries, and in many cases flow over and beyond the old city walls. This is the site of Frank Ancel’s global networks, and suggested in Alison Sant’s city beyond the geography of the basemap. Perhaps one of the first questions we might ask of the city today is where does the city begin and end?

To begin the conversations of this forum, I would like to ask each artist author to give a brief description, not necessarily of their paper but of the questions on the city and technology that motivate their work. From there, let the conversations begin and flow where they may.

Anthony Burke
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Re:Interactive City Welcome - 2006/04/25 02:07 Thank you for this good introduction... City is now the reality of old modern utopia from Ledoux to Constant. But with the new _endless_ technology the future city open a space _endless_ glo.bal (planetary) + (city) = one glocal creative "rendez-vous" to imagine the connexion on every discipline without borders. So, it is not only an interactive design to sleep in the city but an invisible community to live with all...
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Re:Interactive City Welcome - 2006/04/25 11:59 The endless glocal "rendez-vous" is a particularly provocative re-framing. It is more than Ledoux and Constant who were, like so many since, stuck in the formulation of the city as image as analogy(monument/network). The "rendez-vous" avoids a foundation of the image substituting it with event, and you interestingly face the issue of event and representation in your work in a context of cultural diversity, from shanghai to New York.
Your abstract also suggests we are all city all the time, that there is no outside to the condition of the planetary network. Should we lament the end of borders? Or perhaps a better question is, how have the borders changed?

Post edited by: aburke, at: 2006/04/25 12:00
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Re:Interactive City Welcome - 2006/04/26 08:04 That's true. How the borders have changed? We need not really find today new borders in the real or virtual world (cf. cyber-architecture of William J. Mitchell) but some time limits or in my mind and action some "rendez-vous" in the space. In the same perspective of the hi-story, people have created on the modern time: new geography / a cosmic vision of the world - an universe to create city / new community. They invented the windows in architecture to see the world and now we are imagining another "electronic" windows to live the world than an urban inter-connexion-planetary. It's not just of course a post-modern technology after the "Cité Radieuse" of Le Corbusier (*)... As I projected on a large screen in the center of Paris: "We are the network: Mobile Wireless Digital!" (°) That's now a new dimension and opportunity for all humanity every day and not just for some rich/poor people and old/future cities. And Shanghai City will be perhaps an "interface" or a "rendez-vous" on this way in 2010!/? Open space-time with open source-philosophy?/!

(*) if you are in Marseille France 11th may 17h, come for a presentation by me about "Le Corbusier Time" in bookshop of "Cité Radieuse" with an "Electronic Poem" projection by Corbu + Xenakis + Varèse for Philips Pavillon expo. Brüssel 58...

(°) click Architecture Image Technology or AIT
on and see AIT 2004
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Re:Interactive City Welcome - 2006/04/26 12:57 I am interested though to find the edges, the ripples and differentiations in this inter-planetary community space which is surely not a hemogenous space but a varied and connected terrain. How do we approach the issue of the local in glocal? Is presence alone enough?

The utopian vision of the world consciousness through technology or chemistry has a long history. How are todays dreams different, especially in a socio-cultural climate where the idea of utopia, itself seems to have run its course?
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Re:Interactive City Welcome - 2006/04/26 18:55 hi! virtual shanghai explorers

my name is TATIANA:: indeed Shanghai is the melting pot par excellence!

please visit my interactive media research into Shanghai

BLACK BOX : Chinese Box

i have recently completed my doctor of creative arts, university of technology sydney, where i have created an online exploration of my research into my hybrid cultural origins:: one being Chinese BOX reflecting on my Russian grandparents emigre experinece in Shanghai:: tracing their musical memories:: grandad XENIA was a "taxi-dancer" + singer + SERGEI was a jazz orchestra leader for PATHE & played in the legendary Cathay Hotel, Paramount Ballroom, Ladlows Casanova, and the French Club.

also explore the Jewish experience in MENORAH OF FANG BANG LU (tatiana pentes with prof andrew jakubowicz)

tatiana pentes
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