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ZeroOne San Jose / ISEA2006 ISEA2006 symposium

Welcome to the ISEA2006 online forum.

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ISEA2006 Online Forum April 24 - May 29 2006  

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Re:topia - 2006/04/30 14:20 We have decided to leave the forum open for a few more days than officially posted for further comments, and I continue to invite vigorous participation from visitors and presenters alike.
As a way to wrap up this formal part of the forum until we meet in San Jose however, I would like to sincerely thank all the participants for their contributions in animating this introductory session into the interactive city.

Clearly here we have just scratched the superficial layers of issues that deeply motivate and shape the potentials of a startling new polis and citizenry. Questions that remain for discussion are many, ranging from the validity of the “city model” at all, to more nuanced discussions of representation, processes for animating social potentials and negotiating a new politic, as well as the pressing need to partner more intelligently with a complex range of overlapping and maturing technologies.

Also it is clear that locative, screen based and other technology driven practices that shape our environment have and are evolving from an enthusiastic childhood, transcoding the conventions of past critical practices with new technologies, and moving into an awkward adolescence, searching for a deeper identity and conceptual framework and expression of its own.

The role of the critical explorative practice is always vital, yet through the nature of our distributed technologies the sheer number of voices being raised holds the potential for both a carnival and a riot, celebration and revolution. Making some sense of the noise will become more complex, as we learn to live with ambiguity, with the uncertain and the contingent, from Shanghai to San Jose. Reveling in a sea of access and a practiced ubiquity the aspirations of this generation of critical thinkers and practitioners continues to evolve and inspire also, thankfully in forums like ISEA.

I look forward to continuing these conversations when we meet at ISEA2006 in San Jose.

Anthony Burke
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