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[Paper Abstracts]




ISEA2006 Online Forum April 24 - May 29 2006  

New Self-Referentiality & Property - 2006/05/09 10:54 In my discussion of the problem of private property as a colonial paradigm applied to cyberspace, I ask about alternatives (of land use, or cyberspace practice) that might return some of the freedoms lost to private property?

If property is historically & etmologically linked to the French "propre" meaning both connected to self & also clean, then perhaps there's a way new notions of self-referentiality discussed by Mara can open up alternatives to property. What do avant-guard artists propose as alternative forms of self-referentiality that might suggest new relationships to land and the natural environment?

See my post to this forum for more detailed questions/discussion:,com_simpleboard/Itemid,149/func,view/catid,23/id,91/#91
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Re:New Self-Referentiality & Property - 2006/05/11 16:47 I would like to thank Alice Ming Wai Jim, Sharon Daniel and Joline Blais for their thoughtful entries and questions that are introducing new possibilities of readings my topic. I can also join Josephine Bosma and mention that the abstract submitted to ISEA, although charged with many ideas, is still rather "experimental" part of my research on artists' collaborations. It had not yet been "tested" in any extended paper that possibly makes it even more interesting to present it within the current discussion.

Referring to Jolines' comments I should mention that my research on artists' collaborations in Eastern Europe starts a at the decade of Neuromancer - early 80's, that was also the time of eclipse of utopias of analogue technology. Currently with the digital media being highly regulated and commercialised we are probably encountering similar "post -colonial, post-modern" condition where the figure of the conqueror of boundless universal space can be at bests perceived through the screen of irony.

I would argue that since the transformation of internet from the media of the creative action into content delivery tool the emphasis has shifted from the exploration of virtual space to the engagement with locality where the notions of "presence" and "proximity" gain increasing importance. (As can be observed for example in the field of Locative media, or in the growing interest in the new forms of narrative). It is interesting to see how the patterns of participation and erasure of centre-periphery divide are transferred from the virtual communication space and applied to physical location, and how the new tools and vocabularies invented during this transfer are changing the reality grounds.

I am trying to trace these tools and structures that facilitate translation of imaginary creative ideas and syntaxes into reality. This approach allows me to focus on collaborative groups and movements - cells of invention, paying less attention to extensive social networks that I see more as the sites of distribution and application. Therefore the paper is focusing on the strategies applied to the territories, media and community building and as a result it regards the dominant modes of power-distribution and control as a subject for re-definition.

I will try to post in the more detailed reflections on these strategies in the next couple of days. Meanwhile I am hoping to continue this interesting discussion.
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Re:New Self-Referentiality & Property - 2006/05/12 08:51 Mara, I look forward to hearing about these strategies. The development of locative media enabling the experience of new narratives that increasingly emphasizes presence and physicaly location indeed lends itself to the building of communities virtual and in a situation of co-presence. Perhaps you could expand also on how the social networks, as I still seem them, or collaborative groups and movements, that are formed, are able to sustain themselves as open, inclusive, continually inventive and yet by virtue of growth, inevitably being increasingly aggregated bodies with directed interests that necessarily inflect control over the ways in which members are defined amongst themselves and by the larger society? Put another way, how do these tools and structures operate to redefine modes of power-distribution and contol bearing in mind that these modes also operate within cells of invention themselves?
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